Devola, Ohio

Putnam Community Water Corporation 

Putnam Community Water Corporation

Welcome, Putnam residents!

A Little About Us

The Putnam Community Water Corporation was established as early as 1945 as a primary attraction for building a home in the devola area. Under the guidance of Guthrie Chamberlain, developers, home owners, and water suppliers, documents were finalized with the state on January 5, 1950 to form and incorporate the Putnam Community Water Association.

To this end, a board of directors was formed on January 24, 1951, and the rest, as they say, is history. Today, your water comes from two drilled wells that are operated, maintained, and monitored for quality by professional licensed operators for the highest of quality and health standards.

For a detailed perspective on the history of the Putnam Community Water Corporaton, click on the button below.

Get in touch today

Need to Contact Us?

Putnam Community Water Corporation
920 River Rd (water plant location)
Phone: (740) 373-0975
Fax: (740) 373-8992
[email protected]

Emergency Contacts:
Jay Huck 740-525-6607
John Kuch 740-538-2834
Steve Schoonover 740-236-0161