A bank draft/ACH is used to electronically transfer funds from an individual’s bank account to a vendor’s bank account using the NACHA (National Automated Clearing House Association) standards and processes in all participating financial institution systems.

Putnam Community Water Corp. and its software billing vendor (USTI) are providing the option for you to pay your water bill using the bank draft option. You may elect to activate this bill payment option by completing the attached authorization form and returning an original signed document to the address shown at the bottom of the form.

The process for bank draft bill payment is as follows:

  • Customer will complete the form and return to Putnam Water.
  • Customer bank information will be entered into Putnam Water billing software.
  • At the beginning of each two-month billing cycle, billing information is uploaded from Putnam Water’s billing vendor file to the automated clearing house for payment processing based on each customer’s banking information and will make the transfer from the customer’s bank account to the Putnam Water bank account. If the customer receives a paper bill card or has signed up for an e-bill, there will be a comment on the bill indicating that the amount on the bill will be drafted from the customer’s bank account. The date the water bill amount will be drafted from the customer’s bank account will be the due date stated on the bill card.

If you are currently using the bill pay method offered by your bank, be aware that this process is not the same as a bank draft. Using bill pay through your bank requires the bank to process a check (via a third party vendor) and mail it to Putnam Water.